AA-1654: A woman wearing a red kimono in the New Year, decorated with camellia flowers
AA-1654: A woman wearing a red kimono in the New Year, decorated with camellia flowers
Japanese clothes / Red kimono / White floral pattern / Golden obi / Hair ornament / Smile / Camellia flower / New Year / Warm light / Tranquility / Blessing / Japanese style illustration / Japanese traditional beauty / Calm / Elegance / Gorgeous / New Year / Signs of spring /soft atmosphere Spirit/Women/Camellia/Blessing light/Gentle blessing/Warmth/Harmony of red and white/New Year's silence/Beautiful background/Calm time/Quiet story/New Year's beauty/Kimono/Kimono/Kimono/Japanese clothes/ Wafuku/Wafuku/Japanese clothing /Wasou/Wasou/furisode/furisode/furisode/traditional costume/spring/haru/haru/new year/shinshun/shinshun/signs of spring/harunokizashi/flower blooming season/hanasaku kisetsu/hana Crisp/Warm season/Warm weather/Atatakanakisetsu/New Year/New Year/Oshogatsu/Ginger/New Year/Shinnen/Shinnen/New Year's Day/Gantan/Gantan/New Year's/Nenshi/Nenshi
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Size: 1632×2912